The story

Hi! My name is Savanna! I’m located in beautiful Houston, TX. I’m going to assume that you’re reading this because you want to get to know me. While I could go on and on about small little facts about myself I think what you need to know most about me is this: I love babies, maternity, birth, and motherhood.

I believe the “why” is key here. 

I’m going to get a little deep in this about me section but this is 100% essential and will answer “the why”.

Part of my journey and what led me to this “job” (if that’s what you want to call it) are my 3 angel babies and my 2 earthside babies. I lost 3 babies in a row after having a successful pregnancy with my first, Scarlett, who is now 10 and thriving. Losing my two sons and my unknown baby are some of the darkest parts of my life. To this day it feels like I lost them yesterday and I would truly give anything to hold them and kiss them again. Fast forward to now, our surprise rainbow son, Athan, made it into this world. He is now 2 years old and thriving as well.

Carrying Athan successfully after a brutal pregnancy and loss after loss sparked that desire to mix my creative side and my love for capturing memories through glass. Especially this kind of memory. Newborn and baby photography started budding in me after I had Athan. My husband of 11 years, Tom, was completely on board with this and told me to go for it! I’m very purposeful and driven and I don’t do anything unintentionally. It just seemed right.

Newborn, baby, maternity, motherhood, all of it; it’s all about serving and creating deep emotion in others. So, now, you know, part of my story and why I’ve decided to go for this! 

The fun little facts…I can talk about those fun subjects if you decide I’m the right fit for you to capture this time in your life.

But do know this: 

I love food (like A LOT; we will most likely talk about food at the session), I love hearing birth stories, and I love sunshine. ;) 


Photo credit of me above:

Raxon Leigh Photography (all photos above)

Photo credit of me (1st left photo) below:

Tami Brundage Photography